Author Archives: obesity_2014

New paper by Simmank & Horstmann

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Jakob Sim­mank & Annette Horstmann, who pub­lished in Fron­tiers in Behav­ioral Neu­ro­science this Octo­ber, enti­tled: Inci­den­tal reward­ing cues influ­ence eco­nom­ic deci­sions in peo­ple with obe­si­ty. Online at:

IFB Dialog with Annette Horstmann, et al.

What influences our eating habits? These and oth­er ques­tions were addressed by the IFB Dia­logue held on Octo­ber, 14th. “Kummerspeck” and emo­tion­al eat­ing are well-known phe­nom­e­na. Many peo­ple know the very sit­u­a­tions in which a choco­late bar soothes our minds or relieves stress. Speak­ers: Annette Horstmann, Anette Ker­st­ing, Thomas Ell­rott, &...

Horstmann in LVZ

Annette appeared in Leipzig’s news­pa­per (LVZ) today on August, 22nd, with the arti­cle Der Lock­ruf des Essens. Ver­e­na Müller, sci­ence jour­nal­ist, is host­ing the arti­cle online on her blog.

Essen aus Stress”

Radio fea­ture at Ger­man broad­cast­er Radio Bay­ern.