The O’Brain Lab @ SSIB

The O’Brain Lab was for­tu­nate enough to have 4 sub­mis­sions accept­ed at this year’s Soci­ety for the Study of Inges­tive Behav­ior Con­fer­ence in Mon­tre­al, Cana­da. Marie Meemken, Nora Mehl & Fil­ip Morys gave talks about their respec­tive research top­ics and Maria Pös­sel pre­sent­ed a poster on her recent work on...

Annette Horstmann awarded with the DAG research prize

A recent trip to Frank­furt for the 32nd Annu­al Con­fer­ence of the Ger­man Obe­si­ty Soci­ety (DAG: Deutsche Adi­posi­tas Gesellschaft) was a great suc­cess for the O’Brain Project: Annette Horstmann was award­ed with the DAG research prize 2016, hon­our­ing her recent work on the neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy of obe­si­ty. Congratulations! The team was...

Does it work this way? Annette’s model tried and tested

Annette’s pro­posed mod­el of how dopamin­er­gic tone varies (non-lin­ear­ly) across nor­mal weight, over­weight and obese peo­ple has been test­ed empir­i­cal­ly for the first time. Researchers in Spain con­duct­ed an fMRI exper­i­ment with which they con­firm Annette’s idea with real data: the reward sys­tem in the brain appears to func­tion dif­fer­ent­ly but sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly across peo­ple...

Article in Focus Online

The Ger­man week­ly news mag­a­zine “Focus” noticed the work of one of our PhD stu­dents, Nora Mehl. Annette Horstmann explains the fin­er details of the research in an inter­view here.

New Lab Coordinator

In March, our sci­en­tif­ic coor­di­na­tor Chris­t­ian Kalber­lah moved on to new pro­fes­sion­al shores after near­ly 3 years with the O’Brain Lab. Though we are sad to see him leave we are excit­ed about Christian’s new posi­tion at the DZL (Deutsches Zen­trum für Lun­gen­forschung | The Ger­man Cen­tre for Lung Research)....