Annette Horstmann awarded with the DAG research prize


A recent trip to Frank­furt for the 32nd Annu­al Con­fer­ence of the Ger­man Obe­si­ty Soci­ety (DAG: Deutsche Adi­posi­tas Gesellschaft) was a great suc­cess for the O’Brain Project: Annette Horstmann was award­ed with the DAG research prize 2016, hon­our­ing her recent work on the neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy of obe­si­ty. Congratulations!

The team was fur­ther rep­re­sent­ed by Fil­ip Morys and Mar­tin Feder­busch who dis­played some of their find­ings dur­ing poster pre­sen­ta­tions, and Nora Mehl shone as an invit­ed speak­er dur­ing her talk, out­lin­ing her recent results to a very inter­est­ed audi­ence. Well done everyone!

More infor­ma­tion here