The O’BRAIN Lab on TV

If you ever wondered what happens during binge eating, the local TV network MDR has released a neat 4 minute long TV clip (in German). It features our PhD student Maria Waltmann who, together with Nadine Herzog, currently collects data for a large study investigating the shared and differential neurocognitive mechanisms of obesity and binge eating disorder.

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Dr. Mehl

We are ecstatically happy to announce that on 9th May Nora successfully (and eloquently) defended her PhD thesis at the University of Leipzig. We may now proudly refer to (our) Dr. rer. nat. Nora Mehl.

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Dr. Morys

The O’BRAIN Lab is extreme­ly proud of its very own Dr. rer. med. Fil­ip Morys. Fil­ip pre­sent­ed a beau­ti­ful viva on 4th April and thus received his PhD title from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig. We are delight­ed and very hap­py! In true style, Fil­ip is not wast­ing any time and...

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2 Successful Bids

Our med­ical PhD stu­dents Franziska and Nora man­aged to secure junior research grants from the IFB Adi­pos­i­ty Dis­eases. Franzi now has fur­ther fund­ing until April 2020 to inves­ti­gate the influ­ence of diet on the (epi)genetic sta­tus of the dopamin­er­gic sys­tem and how this could affect neu­rocog­ni­tive func­tion. Nora will con­tin­ue...

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Annette will trav­el to the US next week to present as an invit­ed speak­er at a pres­ti­gious work­shop on Real-Time fMRI Neu­ro­feed­back at Nation­al Insti­tute of Men­tal Health (NIH) in Bethes­da, MD (USA). Check out the line up and agen­da here.

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We are hiring

We have an open posi­tion for a post-doc in our new lab in Helsin­ki; if you are look­ing for an excit­ing project inves­ti­gat­ing the link between cog­ni­tion, brain func­tion, and nutri­tion in humans, then check out our call here. The dead­line is 21. April, with reviews start­ing imme­di­ate­ly. Prospec­tive start would be...

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Professor Horstmann

We are proud to announce that Annette Horstmann has been made Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor for Behav­iour­al and Brain Sci­ences at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki. From 1st Jan­u­ary 2019 Annette now also runs a lab in the slight­ly more North­ern parts of Europe, whilst main­tain­ing the sis­ter group in Leipzig. Con­grat­u­la­tions Annette!

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