As of November 15th Marie Meemken joins our lab as PhD student in the Junior Research Group lead by Dr. Annette Horstmann. Her Profile: Marie Meemken. Welcome on board!
Author Archives: obesity_2014
Article on ravenousness
German news magazine Fokus on ravenousness (, Winter 2013, p. 48–51. Read online [UPDATE 2017] Article is not available anymore.
Launch of the IFB Junior Research Group
We’re happy to announce the launch of the IFB Junior Research Group “Decision-making in Obesity: Neurobiology, Behavior, and Plasticity” headed by Dr Annette Horstmann. The scientists in this field of “neurobiology and decision-making in obesity” try to find out how unfavorable eating habits in overweight people are developing, and how...
Welcome Filip Morys
As of November 1st, Filip Morys joins our lab as IFB PhD student in Annette’s Junior Research Group. A very warm welcome! His Profile: Filip Morys
Welcome Maria Poessel
As of October 1st, Maria Poessel joins our lab as PhD candidate. A very warm Welcome! Her profile will be maintained here: Maria Poessel
Anja Dietrich featured at Radio Eins
German broadcaster Radio Eins featured Anja’s work in a radio report/interview.
Welcome Christian Kalberlah
As of June 1st, Christian Kalberalh joins our lab as Scientific Coordinator funded by SFB 1052. Welcome on board!
Annette interviewed by SciLogs
German science magazine SciLogs (by Spektrum) interviewed Annette on the relationship of obesity and the brain (German only). GO TO ARTICLE
CRC Launch
Launch of the CRC 1052 (Collaborative Research Centre) “Obesity Mechanisms” with the Project A5 “Neurocognitive Models of Behavioral Control in Obesity” headed by Dr Annette Horstmann and Dr Jane Neumann
Welcome Lucas Kastner!
Lucas Kastner joins the project as PhD student in the IFB-program MD Pro1