Author Archives: obesity_2014

Is adiposity responsible for the loss of brain cells?” (IFB Blog)

Tak­en from IFB Blog:–09-27-adiposity-responsible-loss-brain-cells Is adiposity responsible for the loss of brain cells? A new study shows that adi­pos­i­ty appar­ent­ly increas­es the risk for demen­tia. The con­nec­tion between the two dis­eases is more com­plex that pre­vi­ous­ly assumed. In Ger­many cur­rent­ly more than one mil­lion peo­ple suf­fer from the loss of their...

New lab members are joining

As of April 1st, we will have three new mem­bers join­ing the lab; Sven Preuss­er, PhD stu­dent fund­ed by MPG, Mar­tin Feder­busch, PhD stu­dent in the IFB-pro­gram MD Pro1, and Jakob Sim­mank, PhD stu­dent in the IFB-pro­gram MD Pro1. A warm wel­come to all of you!