eburmeister@cbs.mpg.de +49 341 9940–2629
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Annette Horstmann awarded with the DAG research prize
A recent trip to Frankfurt for the 32nd Annual Conference of the German Obesity Society (DAG: Deutsche Adipositas Gesellschaft) was a great success for the O’Brain Project: Annette Horstmann was awarded with the DAG research prize 2016, honouring her recent work on the neurobiology of obesity. Congratulations! The team was...
Does it work this way? Annette’s model tried and tested
Annette’s proposed model of how dopaminergic tone varies (non-linearly) across normal weight, overweight and obese people has been tested empirically for the first time. Researchers in Spain conducted an fMRI experiment with which they confirm Annette’s idea with real data: the reward system in the brain appears to function differently but systematically across people...
Article in Focus Online
The German weekly news magazine “Focus” noticed the work of one of our PhD students, Nora Mehl. Annette Horstmann explains the finer details of the research in an interview here.
New Lab Coordinator
In March, our scientific coordinator Christian Kalberlah moved on to new professional shores after nearly 3 years with the O’Brain Lab. Though we are sad to see him leave we are excited about Christian’s new position at the DZL (Deutsches Zentrum für Lungenforschung | The German Centre for Lung Research)....
IFB PhD Applications for 2016
The Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) announced the funding programs MD Pro_1 (Promotion) and MD Pro_2 (your research project) for talented students in particular in the field of medicine. Deadline for applications is January 3rd, 2016. More information can be found here.
New paper by Simmank & Horstmann
Congratulations to Jakob Simmank & Annette Horstmann, who published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience this October, entitled: Incidental rewarding cues influence economic decisions in people with obesity. Online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00278/full
LIMIOR – Strengthens Scientific Exchange
Shortly after the first “Leipzig International Meeting for Interdisziplinary Obesity Research” (LIMIOR) on causes and consequences of morbid overweight the conclusions drawn are positive. GO TO IFB POST