The department of psychology and logopedics traveled to sunny Tvärminne for a two day retreat. During those days, there were many productive sessions of discussing improvements for various processes in the department, as well as scientific talks and poster presentations. The first day ended with a social evening of sauna...
Testing resumes in Leipzig
After months of lockdown and social distancing the team in Leipzig is back at the MPI and testing. An extensive cataloque of hygiene measures has been developed to protect both participants and staff during experiments. Whilst not all methods can be used yet, the O’BRAIN Lab has already tested a...
Corona in Europe
Like almost all countries all over the world Germany and Finland have been facing the COVID 19/Corona crisis since late February and early March. In an unprecedented move, both the University of Helsinki as well as the MPI in Leipzig, went virtual as preemptive measures. All staff, incl. the entire...
Welcome Daniel
What an excellent start to the new decade! We now have our first PhD student in Helsinki! Daniel joins us from Nijmegen where he spent a few years working in industry before returning to Scandinavia and science. In true style he was welcomed by Annette and Suse with a selection...
The 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting in Helsinki – Day 4
It’s Saturday in Helsinki and the fourth day of our trip to explore the Northern Neurosciences. We are treated to blue skies and are greeted by a flurry of sea gulls. Though the scene is idyllic, ten O’BRAINers are on a mission. This time, heading into the city centre, the...