

The depart­ment of psy­chol­o­gy and logo­pe­dics trav­eled to sun­ny Tvär­minne for a two day retreat. Dur­ing those days, there were many pro­duc­tive ses­sions of dis­cussing improve­ments for var­i­ous process­es in the depart­ment, as well as sci­en­tif­ic talks and poster pre­sen­ta­tions. The first day end­ed with a social evening of sauna...

Testing resumes in Leipzig

After months of lock­down and social dis­tanc­ing the team in Leipzig is back at the MPI and test­ing. An exten­sive cat­aloque of hygiene mea­sures has been devel­oped to pro­tect both par­tic­i­pants and staff dur­ing exper­i­ments. Whilst not all meth­ods can be used yet, the O’BRAIN Lab has already test­ed a...

Corona in Europe

Like almost all coun­tries all over the world Ger­many and Fin­land have been fac­ing the COVID 19/Corona cri­sis since late Feb­ru­ary and ear­ly March. In an unprece­dent­ed move, both the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki as well as the MPI in Leipzig, went vir­tu­al as pre­emp­tive mea­sures. All staff, incl. the entire...

Welcome Daniel

What an excel­lent start to the new decade! We now have our first PhD stu­dent in Helsin­ki! Daniel joins us from Nijmegen where he spent a few years work­ing in indus­try before return­ing to Scan­di­navia and sci­ence. In true style he was wel­comed by Annette and Suse with a selec­tion...