
We are hiring

UPDATE: the call is now closed. We are look­ing to hire a poten­tial PhD stu­dent in our lab in Leipzig. The project will sci­en­tif­i­cal­ly eval­u­ate dig­i­tal treat­ment pro­grammes for peo­ple with obe­si­ty. Dig­i­tal treat­ment approach­es offer great poten­tial for mod­ern, com­pre­hen­sive and inno­v­a­tive health care. As an exam­ple, the prod­uct zana­dio, devel­oped...

We are hiring

We have an open posi­tion for a post-doc in our new lab in Helsin­ki; if you are look­ing for an excit­ing project inves­ti­gat­ing the link between cog­ni­tion, brain func­tion, and nutri­tion in humans, then check out our call here. The dead­line is 21. April, with reviews start­ing imme­di­ate­ly. Prospec­tive start would be...

Research Assistant wanted

We are look­ing for a research assis­tant in the field of com­put­er sci­ence or relat­ed field of stud­ies. Expe­ri­ence in Word­Press and web tech­nolo­gies (HTML, CSS, JS) would be desir­able. Fur­ther details (in Ger­man) can be found in the appli­ca­tion call below. Job post­ing (PDF)

IFB PhD Applications for 2016

The Inte­grat­ed Research and Treat­ment Cen­ter (IFB) announced the fund­ing pro­grams MD Pro_1 (Pro­mo­tion) and MD Pro_2 (your research project) for tal­ent­ed stu­dents in par­tic­u­lar in the field of med­i­cine. Dead­line for appli­ca­tions is Jan­u­ary 3rd, 2016. More infor­ma­tion can be found here.