

The depart­ment of psy­chol­o­gy and logo­pe­dics trav­eled to sun­ny Tvär­minne for a two day retreat. Dur­ing those days, there were many pro­duc­tive ses­sions of dis­cussing improve­ments for var­i­ous process­es in the depart­ment, as well as sci­en­tif­ic talks and poster pre­sen­ta­tions. The first day end­ed with a social evening of sauna...

Great news for our lab!

On Mon­day, May 23rd Arsene received an offi­cial let­ter from the Finnish Nation­al Agency for Edu­ca­tion inform­ing him that he was award­ed the EDUFI schol­ar­ship to pur­sue his doc­tor­al work at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki. In a nut­shell, the grant is intend­ed for post­grad­u­ate stud­ies as well as research and...

Going North – Two lab members join the Helsinki group

On Sep­tem­ber 1, Arsene Kanyamib­wa and Hen­drik Hart­mann relo­cat­ed from the Max Planck Insti­tute in Leipzig to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki, dou­bling the group size there. Besides deal­ing with Finnish bureau­cra­cy and enjoy­ing the full mete­o­ro­log­i­cal spec­trum from a sun­ny Sep­tem­ber to a rainy and cold Octo­ber, both picked up...

Congratulations Dr. Meemken

On 23rd of July, we had the plea­sure of cel­e­brat­ing with Marie Meemken who suc­cess­ful­ly defend­ed her PhD the­sis on implic­it and explic­it appet­i­tive out­come learn­ing in obe­si­ty. We at the O’BRAIN Lab are very proud to see anoth­er female sci­en­tist emerge from our midst! Well done, Marie!

Testing resumes in Leipzig

After months of lock­down and social dis­tanc­ing the team in Leipzig is back at the MPI and test­ing. An exten­sive cat­aloque of hygiene mea­sures has been devel­oped to pro­tect both par­tic­i­pants and staff dur­ing exper­i­ments. Whilst not all meth­ods can be used yet, the O’BRAIN Lab has already test­ed a...