Life at the O’BRAIN Lab is beginning to return to normal — staff in Leipzig were welcomed back to the office (in small numbers), while working from home continues in Helsinki, with an exit strategy being prepared. We tried to make the best of social distancing while in lockdown and...
Corona in Europe
Like almost all countries all over the world Germany and Finland have been facing the COVID 19/Corona crisis since late February and early March. In an unprecedented move, both the University of Helsinki as well as the MPI in Leipzig, went virtual as preemptive measures. All staff, incl. the entire...
Welcome Daniel
What an excellent start to the new decade! We now have our first PhD student in Helsinki! Daniel joins us from Nijmegen where he spent a few years working in industry before returning to Scandinavia and science. In true style he was welcomed by Annette and Suse with a selection...
Welcome Minka
It’s our great pleasure to welcome our first Helsinki student to the team. Minka, who is a Master student of psychology, will be investigating whether olfactory stimulation influences automatic action tendencies in obesity. We are very proud to have a first collaboration between our 2 labs as the data was...
Suse @ Helsinki
Autumn may be settling in but it’s a busy time at the O’BRAIN Lab. Annette joined the Leipzig Lab for a couple of weeks before heading back to Helsinki, this time with Suse in tow. There, the two of them are busy sussing out the finer (practical) details of how...
Annette @ Helsinki
It’s official now: the O’BRAIN Lab has opened its Helsinki Headquarters! Annette relocated to the Finnish capital in early August and will be investigating the interplay of obesity and the brain there. We are very excited to have a sister lab in the Nordic countries and are looking forward to...
Dr. Mehl
We are ecstatically happy to announce that on 9th May Nora successfully (and eloquently) defended her PhD thesis at the University of Leipzig. We may now proudly refer to (our) Dr. rer. nat. Nora Mehl.
Dr. Morys
The O’BRAIN Lab is extremely proud of its very own Dr. rer. med. Filip Morys. Filip presented a beautiful viva on 4th April and thus received his PhD title from the University of Leipzig. We are delighted and very happy! In true style, Filip is not wasting any time and...
Welcome Maria, the 3rd!
The O’BRAIN lab was joined by Maria Kobel on 1st April. We are proud to have the 3rd Maria on our team. Welcome!
Dr. Oliva
Our guest PhD student Rossella successfully finished her PhD in early 2019. Congratulations Rossella! How nice that we could contribute a small part to it.