Science Day at the Biomedicum
Study Start
Same same, but different
We have a new addition to our series on the relationship of smell perception and obesity. In our latest paper Maria Poessel and her co-authors find that people with higher BMI have lower olfactory bulb volume while olfactory function is seemingly still normal. The full story is available here.
Fragebogen zu deutschen Lebensmitteln
Keks und Kohlroulade? Schnitzel und Schokokuss? Was sind typisch deutsche Lebensmittel und wie gern werden sie gegessen? Unsere KollegInnen vom HI-MAG wollen es herausfinden und haben einen Fragebogen entworfen. Eure Antworten wären ein super Weihnachtsgeschenk!
New modelling paper
Our latest paper is concerned with dopamine release, diffusion and uptake. We provide a computational model (and corresponding software) which helps to refine our understanding of dopamine transmission, in particular the effects of pre-synaptic mechanisms. We hope it will be used further to investigate clinical questions associated with dopamine dysfunction...
Leipzig Research Festival
The O’BRAIN Lab presented a whooping 4 posters at the 16th Leipzig Research Festival of Life Sciences at the end of January, with topics ranging from neural responses to food odors in obesity to diet-associated differences in peripheral dopamine precursors. Many thanks to the presenting O’BRAIN researchers Maria Poessel, Franzi...
The 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting in Helsinki – Day 5
On our last day in the beautiful and surprising summerly Finnish capital we visited the public Helsinki Central Library Oodi to anticipate and discuss obstacles our lab will have to grapple with when Annette relocates to Finland.
The 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting in Helsinki – Day 4
It’s Saturday in Helsinki and the fourth day of our trip to explore the Northern Neurosciences. We are treated to blue skies and are greeted by a flurry of sea gulls. Though the scene is idyllic, ten O’BRAINers are on a mission. This time, heading into the city centre, the...
The 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting in Helsinki – Day 3
We kicked off our last day at NNM with a plenary lecture by Laura Colgin, who came all the way from Austin, Texas, to deliver a lucid and engaging talk about the different roles of fast and slow gamma waves in memory encoding and retrieval.