Same same, but different

We have a new addi­tion to our series on the rela­tion­ship of smell per­cep­tion and obe­si­ty. In our lat­est paper Maria Poes­sel and her co-authors find that peo­ple with high­er BMI have low­er olfac­to­ry bulb vol­ume while olfac­to­ry func­tion is seem­ing­ly still nor­mal. The full sto­ry is avail­able here.

Fragebogen zu deutschen Lebensmitteln

Keks und Kohlroulade? Schnitzel und Schokokuss? Was sind typ­isch deutsche Lebens­mit­tel und wie gern wer­den sie gegessen? Unsere Kol­legIn­nen vom HI-MAG wollen es her­aus­find­en und haben einen Frage­bo­gen ent­wor­fen. Eure Antworten wären ein super Weihnachtsgeschenk!

New modelling paper

Our lat­est paper is con­cerned with dopamine release, dif­fu­sion and uptake. We pro­vide a com­pu­ta­tion­al mod­el (and cor­re­spond­ing soft­ware) which helps to refine our under­stand­ing of dopamine trans­mis­sion, in par­tic­u­lar the effects of pre-synap­tic mech­a­nisms. We hope it will be used fur­ther to inves­ti­gate clin­i­cal ques­tions asso­ci­at­ed with dopamine dys­func­tion...

Leipzig Research Festival

The O’BRAIN Lab pre­sent­ed a whoop­ing 4 posters at the 16th Leipzig Research Fes­ti­val of Life Sci­ences at the end of Jan­u­ary, with top­ics rang­ing from neur­al respons­es to food odors in obe­si­ty to diet-asso­ci­at­ed dif­fer­ences in periph­er­al dopamine pre­cur­sors. Many thanks to the pre­sent­ing O’BRAIN researchers Maria Poes­sel, Franzi...