
Does it work this way? Annette’s model tried and tested

Annette’s pro­posed mod­el of how dopamin­er­gic tone varies (non-lin­ear­ly) across nor­mal weight, over­weight and obese peo­ple has been test­ed empir­i­cal­ly for the first time. Researchers in Spain con­duct­ed an fMRI exper­i­ment with which they con­firm Annette’s idea with real data: the reward sys­tem in the brain appears to func­tion dif­fer­ent­ly but sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly across peo­ple...

Article in Focus Online

The Ger­man week­ly news mag­a­zine “Focus” noticed the work of one of our PhD stu­dents, Nora Mehl. Annette Horstmann explains the fin­er details of the research in an inter­view here.

New paper by Simmank & Horstmann

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Jakob Sim­mank & Annette Horstmann, who pub­lished in Fron­tiers in Behav­ioral Neu­ro­science this Octo­ber, enti­tled: Inci­den­tal reward­ing cues influ­ence eco­nom­ic deci­sions in peo­ple with obe­si­ty. Online at:

Horstmann in LVZ

Annette appeared in Leipzig’s news­pa­per (LVZ) today on August, 22nd, with the arti­cle Der Lock­ruf des Essens. Ver­e­na Müller, sci­ence jour­nal­ist, is host­ing the arti­cle online on her blog.

Is adiposity responsible for the loss of brain cells?” (IFB Blog)

Tak­en from IFB Blog:–09-27-adiposity-responsible-loss-brain-cells Is adiposity responsible for the loss of brain cells? A new study shows that adi­pos­i­ty appar­ent­ly increas­es the risk for demen­tia. The con­nec­tion between the two dis­eases is more com­plex that pre­vi­ous­ly assumed. In Ger­many cur­rent­ly more than one mil­lion peo­ple suf­fer from the loss of their...