Embracing Change: A New Name, Team and Website

It’s 2018, and our lab is enter­ing its fifth year. The project start­ed out as a The O’Brain Project – a joint ven­ture between Jane Neu­mann & Annette Horstmann. We have had some very excit­ing and pro­duc­tive years. How­ev­er, recent­ly there have been some changes, and it’s a good time to recap.

First and fore­most, new faces have joined our team (see post); Maria Walt­mann joined our lab on Nov 1st 2017, and Nadine Her­zog just start­ed in begin­ning of Jan 2018. Both PhD can­di­dates exam­ine the shared and dif­fer­en­tial neu­rocog­ni­tive mech­a­nisms in obe­si­ty and binge eat­ing dis­or­der dur­ing ado­les­cence and adulthood.

Sec­ond, since spring 2017 Jane Neu­mann has been appoint­ed Pro­fes­sor in Bio Sig­nal and Data Analy­sis at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Jena. We wish her the very best for this great opportunity.

Last­ly, a new ship is leav­ing port in 2018, with the re-chris­ten­ing of our group: O’BRAIN Lab. Due to the relo­ca­tion of Jane, we have had some struc­tur­al shifts. This nat­u­ral­ly leads us on a refo­cused course. In addi­tion to the new name, we launched a new web­site, equipped with a fresh struc­ture and design, reworked con­tent, and many changes under the hood. We hope you enjoy it!