Madeleine Ord­nung

Madeleine Ordnung

Sci­en­tif­ic Staff

Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Cog­ni­tive & Brain Sciences
Stephanstraße 1A
04103 Leipzig

Madeleine received her Mag­is­ter degree (Mas­ter equiv­a­lent) in sport sci­ences and lin­guis­tics from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig. Dur­ing her PhD at the Max Planck Insti­tute of Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sci­ences, Leipzig, she con­duct­ed lon­gi­tu­di­nal train­ing stud­ies with the aim of inves­ti­gat­ing behav­ioral (motor and cog­ni­tive) as well as neu­ronal (struc­tur­al & func­tion­al) changes fol­low­ing exergam­ing in elder­ly adults.

In 2021, Madeleine joined the O’BRAIN lab as sci­en­tif­ic staff in order to eval­u­ate the med­ical ben­e­fits of a dig­i­tal obe­si­ty treat­ment program.

2021— Staff researcher at the O’BRAIN Lab, Leipzig Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter & Max Planck Insti­tute for Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sci­ences, Leipzig (Prof. Annette Horstmann)
2015— PhD can­di­date, Research Group ‘Motor Plas­tic­i­ty’ (Prof. Patrick Ragert), Max Planck Insti­tute for Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sci­ences, Leipzig and Max Planck Research Net­work on Aging, Rostock
2013–2014 Research assis­tant at the O’BRAIN Project, Research Group Neu­rocog­ni­tive Mod­els of Behav­ioral Con­trol in Obe­si­ty’ (Dr. Annette Horstmann and Prof. Jane Neu­mann), Max Planck Insti­tute for Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sci­ences, Leipzig
2012–2013 Con­sul­tant, Gesund­heits­foren Leipzig
2011 Research intern, Dept. ‘Health Pro­mo­tion and Pub­lic Health’ (Prof. Kuno Hot­ten­rott), Insti­tute for Per­for­mance Diag­nos­tics and Health Pro­mo­tion e.V., Uni­ver­si­ty of Halle
2011–2015 Stud­ies in Psy­chol­o­gy, Fer­nuni­ver­sität Hagen
2011 Mag­is­ter Artium (M.A.) in Sports Sci­ences and Lin­guis­tics, Uni­ver­si­ty of Leipzig


Roth, L., Ord­nung, M., Fork­mann, K., Mehl, N., & Horstmann, A. (2023). A randomized-controlled tri­al to eval­u­ate the app-based mul­ti­modal weight loss pro­gramzana­dio­for patients with obe­si­ty. Obesity, 31(5), 1300–1310. doi:10.1002/oby.23744.
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Kamin­s­ki, E., Mau­drich, T., Bassler, P., Ord­nung, M., Vill­ringer, A., & Ragert, P. (2022). tDCS over the pri­ma­ry motor cor­tex con­tralat­er­al to the trained hand enhances cross-limb trans­fer in old­er adults. Fron­tiers in Aging Neu­ro­science, 14: 935781. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2022.935781.
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Kamin­s­ki, E., & Ord­nung, M. (2019). Gle­ichgewicht­strain­ing im Alter: Inno­v­a­tive Ansätze aus Sport- und Neu­rowis­senschaften. Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 60(1), 91–111.

Ord­nung, M., Hoff, M., Kamin­s­ki, E., Vill­ringer, A., & Ragert, P. (2017). No overt effects of a 6‑week exergame train­ing on sen­so­ri­mo­tor and cog­ni­tive func­tion in old­er adults: A pre­lim­i­nary inves­ti­ga­tion. Fron­tiers in Human Neu­ro­science, 11: 160. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2017.00160.
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Ord­nung, M. (2018). Can exergam­ing induce struc­tur­al plas­tic­i­ty in old adults?. Poster pre­sent­ed at Health Across Lifes­pan (HAL): Inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on health­i­ness and fit­ness across the lifes­pan, Magde­burg, Ger­many.