Maria Walt­mann

Maria Waltmann

PhD can­di­date

Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Cog­ni­tive & Brain Sciences
Stephanstraße 1A
04103 Leipzig

Dur­ing her under­grad­u­ate years at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg (B.A. Phi­los­o­phy and Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture, B.Sc. Psy­chol­o­gy), Maria acquired a taste for neu­rocog­ni­tive research in psy­chi­a­try. For her under­grad­u­ate dis­ser­ta­tion, she worked on the effects of SSRIs on emo­tion­al pro­cess­ing in a healthy vol­un­teer mod­el of depres­sion at the Psy­chophar­ma­col­o­gy and Emo­tion Research Lab (PERL) in Oxford. She fol­lowed this up with a degree in Neu­ro­science at King’s Col­lege Lon­don, where she worked with Dr. Gem­ma Modi­nos on func­tion­al con­nec­tiv­i­ty of the stria­tum in schizo­typy using mul­ti-echo rest­ing-state data. In Novem­ber 2017, Maria joined our Lab to inves­ti­gate the shared and dif­fer­en­tial neu­rocog­ni­tive mech­a­nisms of obe­si­ty and binge eat­ing dis­or­der, employ­ing behav­iour­al and MR imag­ing tech­niques informed by com­pu­ta­tion­al modelling.

2017— PhD Stu­dent, “Shared and dif­fer­en­tial neu­ro-cog­ni­tive mech­a­nisms of obe­si­ty and binge eat­ing dis­or­der in ado­les­cence and adult­hood”, Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sciences
2016–2017 King’s Col­lege Lon­don, MSc Neu­ro­science (pass with dis­tinc­tion) Dis­ser­ta­tion: Func­tion­al Con­nec­tiv­i­ty of the Stria­tum in Psy­cho­me­t­ric Schizo­typy – Insights from Muli_echo Rest­ing-State fMRI. Super­vi­sor: Dr. Gem­ma Modi­nos (KCL)
2013–2014 Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge. Pol­i­tics, Psy­chol­o­gy, and Soci­ol­o­gy (PPS) Year abroad at St. John’s Col­lege Cambridge
2012–2016 Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg, BSc Psy­chol­o­gy (1,3) Dis­ser­ta­tion: The Effects of 4 Weeks SSRI Admin­is­tra­tion on Emo­tion­al Pro­cess­ing in High and Low Neu­rot­ic Healthy Vol­un­teers. Super­vi­sors: Prof. Cather­ine Harmer (Oxford), Dr. Susan­nah Mur­phy (Oxford), Dr. Katrin Schulze (Hei­del­berg)
2011–2016 Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg, BA in Phi­los­o­phy and Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture Dis­ser­ta­tion: Phe­nom­e­nal­i­ty and the Ontol­ogy of Prop­er­ties. Super­vi­sors: PD Dr. Oliv­er Schlaudt (Hei­del­berg), Prof. Peter McLaugh­lin (Hei­del­berg)


Her­zog, N., Hart­mann, H., Janssen, L., Kanyamib­wa, A., Walt­mann, M., Kovacs, P., Deser­no, L., Fal­lon, S., Vill­ringer, A., & Horstmann, A. (2024). Work­ing mem­o­ry gat­ing in obe­si­ty is mod­er­at­ed by stri­atal dopamin­er­gic gene vari­ants. eLife, 13: RP93369. doi:10.7554/eLife.93369.
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Walt­mann, M., Her­zog, N., Reit­er, A. M., Vill­ringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Deser­no, L. (2024). Neu­ro­com­pu­ta­tion­al mech­a­nisms under­ly­ing dif­fer­en­tial rein­force­ment learn­ing from wins and loss­es in obe­si­ty with and with­out binge eat­ing. Bio­log­i­cal Psy­chi­a­try: Cog­ni­tive Neu­ro­science and Neu­roimag­ing. doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2024.06.002.
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Her­zog, N., Hart­mann, H., Janssen, L., Walt­mann, M., Fal­lon, S. J., Deser­no, L., & Horstmann, A. (2024). Work­ing mem­o­ry gat­ing in obe­si­ty: Insights from a case-con­trol fMRI study. Appetite, 195: 107179. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2023.107179.
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Aster, H.-C., Walt­mann, M., Busch, A., Romanos, M., Gamer, M., Maria van Noort, B., Beck, A., Kap­pel, V., & Deser­no, L. (2024). Impaired flex­i­ble reward learn­ing in ADHD patients is asso­ci­at­ed with blunt­ed rein­force­ment sen­si­tiv­i­ty and neur­al sig­nals in ven­tral stria­tum and pari­etal cor­tex. Neu­roIm­age: Clin­i­cal, 42: 103588. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2024.103588.
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Zech, H., Walt­mann, M., Lee, Y., Reichert, M., Bed­der, R. L., Rut­ledge, R. B., Deeken, F., Wen­zel, J., Wede­mey­er, F., Aguil­era, A., Aslan, A., Bach, P., Bahr, N. S., Ebrahi­mi, C., Fis­chbach, P. C., Ganz, M., Gar­bu­sow, M., Großkopf, C. M., Heigert, M., Hentschel, A., Belanger, M., Karl, D., Pelz, P., Pinger, M., Riemer­schmid, C., Rosen­thal, A., Stef­fen, J., Strehle, J., Weiss, F., Wieder, G., Wieland, A., Zais­er, J., Zim­mer­mann, S., Liu, S., Goschke, T., Wal­ter, H., Tost, H., Lenz, B., Andoh, J., Ebn­er-Priemer, U., Rapp, M. A., Heinz, A., Dolan, R., Smol­ka, M. N., & Deser­no, L. (2023). Mea­sur­ing self-reg­u­la­tion in every­day life: Reli­a­bil­i­ty and valid­i­ty of smart­phone-based exper­i­ments in alco­hol use dis­or­der. Behav­ior Research Meth­ods, 55(8), 4329–4342. doi:10.3758/s13428-022–02019‑8.
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Walt­mann, M., Her­zog, N., Reit­er, A., Vill­ringer, A., Horstmann, A., & Deser­no, L. (2023). Dimin­ished rein­force­ment sen­si­tiv­i­ty in ado­les­cence is asso­ci­at­ed with enhanced response switch­ing and reduced cod­ing of choice prob­a­bil­i­ty in the medi­al frontal pole. Devel­op­men­tal Cog­ni­tive Neu­ro­science, 60: 101226. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101226.
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Scholz, V., Walt­mann, M., Her­zog, N., Reit­er, A., Horstmann, A., & Deser­no, L. (2023). Cor­ti­cal grey mat­ter medi­ates increas­es in mod­el-based con­trol and learn­ing from pos­i­tive feed­back from ado­les­cence to adult­hood. The Jour­nal of Neu­ro­science, 43(12), 2178–2189. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1418–22.2023.
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Walt­mann, M., Schla­gen­hauf, F., & Deser­no, L. (2022). Suf­fi­cient reli­a­bil­i­ty of the behav­ioral and com­pu­ta­tion­al read­outs of a prob­a­bilis­tic rever­sal learn­ing task. Behav­ior Research Meth­ods, 54(6), 2993–3014. doi:10.3758/s13428-021–01739‑7.
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Walt­mann, M., Her­zog, N., Horstmann, A., & Deser­no, L. (2021). Loss of con­trol over eat­ing: A sys­tem­at­ic review of task based research into impul­sive and com­pul­sive process­es in binge eating. Neu­ro­science and Biobe­hav­ioral Reviews, 129, 330–350. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.07.016.
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Janssen, L., Her­zog, N., Walt­mann, M., Breuer, N., Wiencke, K., Rausch, F., Hart­mann, H., Poes­sel, M., & Horstmann, A. (2019). Lost in trans­la­tion?: On the need for con­ver­gence in ani­mal and human stud­ies on the role of dopamine in diet-induced obe­si­ty. Cur­rent Addic­tion Reports, 6(3), 229–257. doi:10.1007/s40429-019–00268‑w.
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Walt­mann, M., O’Daly, O., Egerton, A., McMullen, K., Kumari, V., Bark­er, G. J., Williams, S. C. R., & Modi­nos, G. (2018). Mul­ti-echo fMRI, rest­ing-state con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and high psy­cho­me­t­ric schizo­typy. Neu­roIm­age: Clin­i­cal, 21: 101603. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2018.11.013.
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