Congratulations Dr. Meemken

On 23rd of July, we had the plea­sure of cel­e­brat­ing with Marie Meemken who suc­cess­ful­ly defend­ed her PhD the­sis on implic­it and explic­it appet­i­tive out­come learn­ing in obe­si­ty. We at the O’BRAIN Lab are very proud to see anoth­er female sci­en­tist emerge from our midst! Well done, Marie!

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Testing resumes in Leipzig

After months of lock­down and social dis­tanc­ing the team in Leipzig is back at the MPI and test­ing. An exten­sive cat­aloque of hygiene mea­sures has been devel­oped to pro­tect both par­tic­i­pants and staff dur­ing exper­i­ments. Whilst not all meth­ods can be used yet, the O’BRAIN Lab has already test­ed a...

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The O’BRAIN Lab in times of Corona

Life at the O’BRAIN Lab is begin­ning to return to nor­mal — staff in Leipzig were wel­comed back to the office (in small num­bers), while work­ing from home con­tin­ues in Helsin­ki, with an exit strat­e­gy being pre­pared. We tried to make the best of social dis­tanc­ing while in lock­down and...

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Corona in Europe

Like almost all coun­tries all over the world Ger­many and Fin­land have been fac­ing the COVID 19/Corona cri­sis since late Feb­ru­ary and ear­ly March. In an unprece­dent­ed move, both the Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki as well as the MPI in Leipzig, went vir­tu­al as pre­emp­tive mea­sures. All staff, incl. the entire...

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Leipzig Research Festival

The O’BRAIN Lab pre­sent­ed a whoop­ing 4 posters at the 16th Leipzig Research Fes­ti­val of Life Sci­ences at the end of Jan­u­ary, with top­ics rang­ing from neur­al respons­es to food odors in obe­si­ty to diet-asso­ci­at­ed dif­fer­ences in periph­er­al dopamine pre­cur­sors. Many thanks to the pre­sent­ing O’BRAIN researchers Maria Poes­sel, Franzi...

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