The second day, Thursday June 13th, was filled with interesting talks, symposia and two poster sessions. The lecturers gave us fascinating insight into their research covering cellular bases of brain function and behavior.
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3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting in Helsinki — Day 1
On the agenda are the 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting and a visit to the new lab of group leader Annette Horstmann, who was recently appointed as an Associate Professor of Behavioural and Brain Sciences at the Department of Psychology and Logopedics at the University of Helsinki.
Hello from Helsinki!
The entire lab is traveling to Helsinki next week (11th — 17th June) to attend the Nordic Neuroscience Meeting 2019.
The O’BRAIN Lab on TV
If you ever wondered what happens during binge eating, the local TV network MDR has released a neat 4 minute long TV clip (in German). It features our PhD student Maria Waltmann who, together with Nadine Herzog, currently collects data for a large study investigating the shared and differential neurocognitive mechanisms of obesity and binge eating disorder.
Apply for Research Internship — deadline extended
The Integrated Research and Treatment Center (IFB) AdiposityDiseases calls for application for an internship (6–8 Weeks).
Dr. Morys
The O’BRAIN Lab is extremely proud of its very own Dr. rer. med. Filip Morys. Filip presented a beautiful viva on 4th April and thus received his PhD title from the University of Leipzig. We are delighted and very happy! In true style, Filip is not wasting any time and...
2 Successful Bids
Our medical PhD students Franziska and Nora managed to secure junior research grants from the IFB Adiposity Diseases. Franzi now has further funding until April 2020 to investigate the influence of diet on the (epi)genetic status of the dopaminergic system and how this could affect neurocognitive function. Nora will continue...
Welcome Maria, the 3rd!
The O’BRAIN lab was joined by Maria Kobel on 1st April. We are proud to have the 3rd Maria on our team. Welcome!