The O’BRAIN Lab in times of Corona

Life at the O’BRAIN Lab is begin­ning to return to nor­mal — staff in Leipzig were wel­comed back to the office (in small num­bers), while work­ing from home con­tin­ues in Helsin­ki, with an exit strat­e­gy being pre­pared. We tried to make the best of social dis­tanc­ing while in lock­down and increased our screen time, with check-ins, team meet­ings and, on two occa­sions, lab socials. We even had a birth­day sur­prise for Lieneke! 

With restric­tions eas­ing across Europe we hope to see each oth­er again in per­son over the sum­mer — fin­gers crossed that bor­ders will open and that trav­els will be safe!