
Speculative Applications

Your spec­u­la­tive appli­ca­tions are always wel­come! Please send your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments* to: Hen­drik Hartmann


* Please refrain from includ­ing a pho­to of your­self or men­tions of your age, nation­al­i­ty, or mar­i­tal sta­tus in the appli­ca­tion, please.

Research Assistant wanted

+++Medical Student+++

As of now we are look­ing for a med­ical stu­dent assis­tant. Fur­ther details can be found in the appli­ca­tion call. Please send your appli­ca­tion doc­u­ments to: Suse Pre­jawa

Job post­ing (PDF)