Artemii Nikitin

Post­doc­tor­al researcher

Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsinki
Behav­iour­al & Brain Sciences
Fac­ul­ty of Medicine
Depart­ment of Psy­chol­o­gy and Logopedics
Haart­maninkatu 3
00290 Helsinki

Artemii is a post­doc at O’BRAIN lab. He is inter­est­ed in per­son­alised obe­si­ty treat­ments and diag­nos­tics, as well as the neur­al basis of the eat­ing behav­ior in health and pathology.Artemii obtained his PhD in biol­o­gy of obe­si­ty from Lille Uni­ver­si­ty (2019). For his the­sis project he stud­ied immunometa­bol­ic and mol­e­c­u­lar mech­a­nisms of adi­pose tis­sue home­osta­sis using func­tion­al genomics and pre­clin­i­cal ani­mal mod­els of diet induced obe­si­ty. He was also trained in clin­i­cal psy­chol­o­gy with the focus on eat­ing disorders.Artemii joined O’BRAIN lab in Jan­u­ary 2023, and is cur­rent­ly work­ing on the Neu­ro­POD project (Neu­rocog­ni­tive pro­fil­ing for Per­son­alised Obe­si­ty Diag­nos­tics) aimed at devel­op­ment of AI-aid­ed tai­lored obe­si­ty dis­g­nos­tics based on psy­cho­log­i­cal and neur­al activ­i­ty data. He is also involved in MEGAPET study designed to deci­pher how mol­e­c­u­lar dis­tur­bances in the brain dopamine sys­tem are asso­ci­at­ed with obe­si­ty onset and pro­gres­sion. 

Dec. 2022— Post­doc at O’BRAIN Lab
Uni­ver­si­ty of Helsin­ki, Fac­ul­ty of Med­i­cine, Depart­ment of Psy­chol­o­gy, Helsin­ki, Finland
Jan. 2021–June 2022 Clin­i­cal prac­tice under super­vi­sion (Intern­ship)
Online Coun­sel­ing in Eat­ing Disorders
Sep. 2020–June 2021 Post­grad­u­ate degree in Clin­i­cal Psychology,
Moscow Insti­tute of Psychoanalysis
Dec. 2019–May 2021 Post­doc at Inserm UMR1011
Pas­teur Insti­tute of Lille, Lille, France
Oct. 2016–Dec. 2019 PhD in Biology,University of Lille
Sep. 2014–June 2016 MSc in Biol­o­gy — Bio­chem­istry and Mol­e­c­u­lar Biology,
Saint-Peters­burg State University
Sep. 2010–July 2014 BSc in Biol­o­gy — Phys­i­ol­o­gy and Biomedicine,
Saint-Peters­burg State University


Mogilenko D.A*, Nikitin A*, Hosoya K, Fleury S, Quemen­er S, Pic S, Pineau L, Molen­di- Coste O, Pipoli da Fon­se­ca J, Deru­das B, Eeck­houte J, Staels B, Dom­brow­icz D. The reg­u­la­to­ry T cell-expressed nuclear recep­tor RORa con­trols pro­tec­tive and path­o­gen­ic type 2 immu­ni­ty (in preparation) 

Tanyan­skiy, D.A., Trulioff, A.S., Agee­va, E.V., Nikitin, A.A., Shav­va, V.S., Orlov, S.V. The Influ­ence of Adiponectin on Pro­duc­tion of Apolipopro­teins A‑1 and E by Human Macrophages. Mol Biol 55, 637–643 (2021).

Shav­va, V.S., Mogilenko, D.A., Bogo­molo­va, A.M., Nikitin, A.A., Dizhe, E.B., Efre­mov, A.M., Oleiniko­va, G.N., Perevozchikov, A.P., and Orlov, S.V. (2016). PPARγ Repress­es Apolipopro­tein A‑I Gene but Impedes TNFα-Medi­at­ed ApoA‑I Down­reg­u­la­tion in HepG2 Cells. J. Cell. Biochem.

Haas, J.T., Vonghia, L., Mogilenko, D.A. et al. Tran­scrip­tion­al net­work analy­sis impli­cates altered hepat­ic immune func­tion in NASH devel­op­ment and res­o­lu­tion. Nat Metab 1, 604–614 (2019).‑0076‑1

Mogilenko DA, Haas JT, L’homme L, Fleury S, Quemen­er S, Lev­avasseur M, Bec­quart C, Wartelle J, Bogo­molo­va A, Pineau L, Molen­di-Coste O, Lan­cel S, Dehondt H, Gheer­aert C, Mel­chior A, Dewas C, Nikitin A, Pic S, Rab­hi N, Anni­cotte JS, Oyado­mari S, Velas­co- Her­nan­dez T, Cam­men­ga J, Fore­tz M, Vio­l­let B, Vukovic M, Vil­lacre­ces A, Kranc K, Carmeli­et P, Marot G, Boul­ter A, Tav­ernier S, Berod L, Longhi MP, Paget C, Janssens S, Stau­mont-Sal­lé D, Aksoy E, Staels B, Dom­brow­icz D. Meta­bol­ic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Spe­cif­ic Inflam­ma­to­ry Response via the UPR. Cell. 2019 May 16;177(5):1201- 1216.e19. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018. Epub 2019 Apr 25. Cell. 2019 Jun 27;178(1):263. PMID: 31031005