Welcome to the O’BRAIN Lab

Welcome to the O’BRAIN Lab

Why do some peo­ple devel­op unhealthy eat­ing styles while oth­ers do not, although many of us share sim­i­lar envi­ron­ments? And why do many peo­ple with obe­si­ty strug­gle to stick to their dietary goals? The answer could be found in our brain, which deter­mines how and why we make cer­tain deci­sions and how we process information.

Recent News

More on obesity and working memory

Our newest preprint pub­li­ca­tion on the rela­tion­ship between obe­si­ty and work­ing mem­o­ry has under­gone rig­or­ous review by eLife, shed­ding new light on the inter­play between BMI and cog­ni­tive func­tion. The study, led by researcher Nadine Her­zog, reveals com­pelling insights into how genet­ic vari­ants influ­enc­ing stri­atal dopamine sig­nal­ing impact the negative…

The O’Brain Lab @ Nordic Obesity Meeting

The 2024 edi­tion of the Nordic Obe­si­ty Meet­ing took place in Helsin­ki the 1–3 Feb­ru­ary, and the O’Brain Lab was there to present our research! Our post­doc Artemii Nikitin and doc­tor­al researchers Hen­drik Hart­mann and Arsene Kanyamib­wa pre­sent­ed their research projects. In the ‘Mas­ter­ing Appetite’ ses­sion, our own asso­ciate professor…


We are cur­rent­ly not recruit­ing par­tic­i­pants for studies.