Contact Us

Lab Location in Helsinki, Finland

In Helsin­ki the O’BRAIN Lab has its head­quar­ters at the Depart­ment of Psy­chol­o­gy and Logo­pe­dics on the Meilathi Campus. 

Behav­iour­al & Brain Sciences
Fac­ul­ty of Medicine
Depart­ment of Psy­chol­o­gy and Logopedics
Haart­maninkatu 3
00290 Helsinki

Lab Location in Leipzig, Germany

In Leipzig the O’BRAIN Lab can be found at the Max Planck Insti­tute for Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sci­ences.

Max Planck Insti­tute for Human Cog­ni­tive and Brain Sciences
Stephanstraße 1A
04103 Leipzig

Participate in Studies

If you would like to par­tic­i­pate in one of our stud­ies in Helsin­ki, please vis­it our page  Patic­i­pate for more information:

Questions & Comments

For ques­tions and com­ments of any kind, please don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact our lab coordinator:

Hen­drik Hartmann

The Team

Please see our mem­ber sec­tion if you want to con­tact a spe­cif­ic per­son.