We are happy to announce that we have added a link to the FinnFoodPics database on our website. The work of Arsene Kanyamibwa, FinnFoodPics is an image database of food items for the study of eating behaviors in residents of Finland. Made for researchers interested in local dietary habits, anyone...
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The Beyond the Belly-lecture series has concluded
After 7 lectures of amazing talks, the Beyond The Belly lecture series is coming to an end for the year. We have heard about diverse topics ranging from culinary cosmopolitanism to health enhancing food policies to the role of vagal afferent signals in the control of behavior and many, many...
The O’Brain lab presents: Beyond the Belly
Starting in March, a new multidisciplinary lecture series will begin at Helsinki University. Provided by the O’Brain Lab, ‘Beyond the belly – on the psychology of eating’ is open to students and the general public. The aim is to give a broad perspective on eating behavior away from pathological conditions....
Great news for our lab!
On Monday, May 23rd Arsene received an official letter from the Finnish National Agency for Education informing him that he was awarded the EDUFI scholarship to pursue his doctoral work at the University of Helsinki. In a nutshell, the grant is intended for postgraduate studies as well as research and...
We have code
In our 2016 Frontiers in Genetics paper on the fast and efficient multivariate analysis of high-dimensional data we provided a link to share software code, sample input data and complete documentation. Unfortunately, the website no longer exists but we have moved the code (and example data) to github. Happy analyses...
Fragebogen zu deutschen Lebensmitteln
Keks und Kohlroulade? Schnitzel und Schokokuss? Was sind typisch deutsche Lebensmittel und wie gern werden sie gegessen? Unsere KollegInnen vom HI-MAG wollen es herausfinden und haben einen Fragebogen entworfen. Eure Antworten wären ein super Weihnachtsgeschenk!
Delay to replication study
During March we had the great news that the Dutch Research Council would fund an international replication study. Given the current Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption experienced all over the world, a new start date has been set. We are hoping to start setting up from 1st January 2021, with...